
mercoledì 25 agosto 2021

Radio Andorra Revival “Aqui Radio Andorra emisora del Principato de Andorra”

Trasmissione di sabato 7 agosto 2021, dalle ore 17.00 alle ore 18.00 UTC, sulla frequenza di 6180 kHz kHz in modo AM in lingua francese, via relay da Moosbrunn - A, replica della registrazione restaurata, del programma in onda nell'estate del 1979: Carte blanche à Sacha Distel » présentée par Aty Parera en 1979

Rapporto di ascolto inviato via email a:, conferma via messaggio email, con eQSL generica senza dati allegata, in 2 gg.

" Dear Listener,

 thanks for sending in your reception report. As our region was hit very hard by the flood catastrophe from on the July, 14th to 15th and destroyed a lot of our infrastructure, we are neither able to send out QSL cards nor give a detailled confirmation. Please find attached our generic eQSL.

The program was broadcasted over the transmitter in Moosbrunn, Austria, via a steerable LogPer Antenna directed towards 270°. Carrierpower was 100kW.

 The program was part of the "Carte Blanche"-series that ran regularly on Radio Andorra in the summer of 1979. Stars and starlets met in the studio and presented their favorite music. A 3-hour broadcast from the last Radio Andorra program director Arty Parera together with the chansonnier Sacha Distel. The show was recreated from 42 year old studio tape-recordings.

Thanks again for tuning in, stay safe!

 Best regards

 Christian Milling"



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