
domenica 4 luglio 2021

Alexanderson Day 2021


 The annual transmission event on the Alexanderson Day with the Alexanderson Alternator from 1924
on VLF 17.2 kHz CW with the call sign SAQ, is scheduled for Sunday, July 4th, 2021.

The Alexander Grimeton Association is planning to carry out two transmissions to the world from the old Alexanderson alternator SAQ.

Transmission schedule:
1. Startup and tuning at 10:30 CET (08:30 UTC) with a transmission of a message at 11:00 CET (09:00 UTC)
2. Startup and tuning at 13:30 CET (11:30 UTC) with a transmission of a message at 14:00 CET (12:00 UTC)

info to:

Setup di ascolto:

antenna: Mini Whipe 10 m.(self-made) - rx: scheda audio Sound Blaster SB 1095 - software: Spectrum Lab V2.96.b1

Video trasmissione delle 08.00 UTC messaggio

 Video trasmissione delle 12.00 UTC fase di test

 Video trasmissione delle 12.00 UTC messaggio

Ricevuto il 26/07/21 via email, conferma al rapporto inviato tramite form sul sito dell'Alexander SAQ Association.

" To: IT2021SWL
We are pleased to confirm reception of your listener report from the Alexanderson Day July 4, 2021 transmissions event.
Your input is valuable to us and we appreciate your feedback.
Attached, please find our electronic QSL card as a confirmation of your report.

Please follow our website for more information about our activities.
//The board of the Alexander SAQ association."



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