Ricevuto Odynn Radio – free radio dall’Olanda
Il 15 febbraio 2020, alle 14.43 UTC a 6.290,00 kHz, ho ascoltato il programma di musica rock di Odynn Radio, qualità della ricezione buona.
Per l'ascolto ho utilizzato il ricevitore SDR FDM S1 Elad abbinato ad un PC Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.5 Ghz e il software SDRSharp mentre l'antenna è una Delta-Ewe preamplificata(autocostruita)
Report inviato per email a: shortwaveman@gmail.com, conferma con messaggio email ed eQSL allegata, in 5 ore.
" Hallo all, My name is Mark and I am 52 years old.
I am living in the east part of the Netherlands in the region that is called Twente
Equipment: My Sw transmitter at this moment is homebrew and will give 200 Watts carrierpower.
My mediumwave transmitter is also homebrew and will give me 250 watts of carrierpower.
My Sw antenna is a dipole on 6 meters hight and my Mw antenne is a coilantenna and is 23 meters high.Where you can find me?
That’s easy : on mediumwave I will be somewhere between 1611 and 1670 KHz and on Shortwave you can find me somewhere between 6230 and 6330 KHz.
I hope you will listen to Odynn radio again when it is possible
Greetings Mark (Odynn Radio Twente) "
I am living in the east part of the Netherlands in the region that is called Twente
Equipment: My Sw transmitter at this moment is homebrew and will give 200 Watts carrierpower.
My mediumwave transmitter is also homebrew and will give me 250 watts of carrierpower.
My Sw antenna is a dipole on 6 meters hight and my Mw antenne is a coilantenna and is 23 meters high.Where you can find me?
That’s easy : on mediumwave I will be somewhere between 1611 and 1670 KHz and on Shortwave you can find me somewhere between 6230 and 6330 KHz.
I hope you will listen to Odynn radio again when it is possible
Greetings Mark (Odynn Radio Twente) "

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