
lunedì 16 ottobre 2023

Radio Zanzibar

Ricezione di Radio Zanzibar 11/08/2023, free radio dall’Olanda.

Frequenza 6208 kHz AM; orario UTC: 18.42 – 19.03; Segnale: buono; ricevitore: SDRplay RSPdx + SDRuno; antenna: Delta Loop 18 m di perimetro.

Rapporto di ascolto inviato a:; conferma con messaggio email con allegato lettera ed eQSL in 64 gg.

Dettagli ricezione:

18.42 Going Back In Time by Fools!
18.42.40 Flyv Lille Fugl(1999) Remastered by Alice Og Rita
18.43.40 Thanks to Claudio from Italy from Radio de Zanzibar from North Holland
18.43.15 Big Train(From Menphis) by John Fogerty
18.49 The Boxer by Simon & Garfunkel
18.53.45 Ginny Come Lately by Albert West
18.54.40 Station ID: Radio de Zanzibar from Holland
18.56.30 Cracklin' Rosie by Neil Diamond
18.59 Greetings to Ackim
18.59.20 Down In The Boondocks by Billy Joe Royal
19.02 My Love by Julio Iglesias
19.03.14 thank you very much from Radio de Zanzibar from Holland bye bye and closing down
19.03.40 closing Down

Video parte finale trasmissione con ID stazione.


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