
lunedì 20 dicembre 2021

Sunlite Radio

 Ricevuto Sunlite Radio Stazione broadcast dall’Olanda

Il giorno 5 dicembre 2021 alle 10.02 UTC, a 5955,00 kHz in modo AM, ho ricevuto la nuova stazione broadcasting Sunlite Radio, qualità del segnale sufficiente.

Per l'ascolto ho utilizzato il ricevitore SDRplay RSPdx abbinato ad un computer Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.5 Ghz e il software SDRuno, mentre l'antenna è una T2FD da 14,5 m (autocostruita)

Rapporto di ascolto inviato via email a:, conferma via messaggio email, con allegata eQSL, in 15 gg.

" Hello Sunlite shortwave-listener,

Thank you very much for your reception report to our brand new radiostation Sunlite.  Please find attached your Sunlite E-QSL letter.

Sunlite is broadcasting at this stage with only 75 watts carrierpower using a borrowed transmitter manufactured in Greece. As you have noticed; the frequency is 5955 khz.

The signal is emanating from the Dutch village of Overslag near the Belgian town of Zelzate (southwest Netherlands).

The tower is 100 metres high but the inverted V-antenna has been mounted on a height of 17 meters and consists of a Teflon 1:1 RF choke. It’s situated right at the border between Belgium and the Netherlands but the transmitter site is completely within the Netherlands. Sunlite on 5955 has been licensed by the Telecommunication Agency of the Netherlands.

At this stage Sunlite’s on the air with only a power of 75 watts. Currently a new modern transmitter is almost ready to be put in place. Our engineer Johnny Tax hopes to be able to install the new rig coming Friday. Right before Christmas Sunlite’s transmitter power will then increase to a carriersignal of 500 watts (2 kilowatts peak envelope power or PEP).

Sunlite is part of RadioCorp;  a Dutch mediacompany based in Naarden in the Netherlands.  The radiostation is on the air in the Netherlands on DAB+, online, IPTV and cable as well as shortwave and is aimed at a Dutch domestic audience. The format is soft adult contemporary music and at the top of the hour each hour there’s the news from the Dutch national press agency ANP.

Other radiostations that belong to RadioCorp are the Dutch domestic FM/DAB+ stations 100% NL and SLAM! ( and . Besides shortwave you can also listen to Sunlite online via or via the TuneIn Radio-app on your smartphone or other device.

On behalf of the RadioCorp-crew we all wish you a merry Christmas and a splendid 2022.  We hope you’ll continue to enjoy Sunlite on 5955 khz.


Herbert Visser

Sunlite Radio"


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