
sabato 1 febbraio 2020

Radio 208

Ricevuto Radio 208 stazione radio broadcast dalla Danimarca

Il 31 gennaio 2020, alle 15.51 UTC a 1.440,00 kHz, ho ascoltato il programma di musica rock di Radio 208 da Copenaghen, qualità della ricezione buona.

Per l'ascolto ho utilizzato il ricevitore SDR FDM S1 Elad abbinato ad un PC Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.5 Ghz e il software SDRSharp mentre l'antenna è una Loop preamplificata(autocostruita)

Report inviato per email a:, conferma con messaggio email ed eQSL allegata, in 1 gg. 

" Hello Claudio Tagliabue

Thanks very much for your reception report to Radio208 and for the audio clip. I am pleased to verify your report; please find attached a Radio208 eQSL.
Radio208 is a music station playing songs from the period 1964-1984 only.  The main focus is on classic rock, punk/new wave, alternative and progressive music.
Radio208 commenced broadcasting on 1440 kHz on December 17th 2019 at 1715 UTC from Ishøj, in the southern suburbs of Copenhagen - with 60 Watts for the first 24 hours. From December 18th around 1750 UTC the power was increased to 300 Watts and on January 9th 2020 the power was increased to 500 Watts. No further power increase is possible, since the license is for 500 Watts. The transmitter is an old 1 kW CCA sender from 1974.
So far more than 200 reception reports have been received from DXers from most parts of Europe; mostly from Germany (31%), Sweden (18%), Finland (14%) and the Netherlands (9%) - but also from Italy, Denmark, the UK, Ireland, Norway, Belgium, France, Spain, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Switzerland.  
The aerial is a sloping dipole 2x50 m from a height of approx. 73 m. Later on a short wave frequency (5800 or 5805 kHz) will be added. Radio208 can also be heard via Internet streaming from , ,  , and .

Best 73s and good DX,
Stig Hartvig Nielsen, "


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