
mercoledì 27 febbraio 2019

Captain Morgan Shortwave

Ricevuto Captain Morgan Shortwave – Free Radio dagli U.S.A.

Domenica 11 febbraio 2018, alle 22.57 UTC a 6935.30 kHz AM, qualità della ricezione appena udibile, ascoltato programma musicale.

Per l'ascolto ho utilizzato il ricevitore SDR FDM S1 Elad abbinato ad un PC Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.5 Ghz e il software SDRSharper v0.3h mentre l'antenna, è una Delta-Ewe da 18 m di perimetro e preamplificatore (W7IUV self-made)

Report inviato via email a, il 12/02/18 alle 00.37, conferma con messaggio email e QSL elettronica allegata, in 382 gg.

" Thanks again for the report, it is very special and rewarding.
Hope you catch my signal again.

The broadcast  you heard was made with a Commando Tx. that I enjoyed building and tweaking. I have the transmitter putting out around 50 watts now and it is my favorite transmitter. It was running around 40-45 when you heard it.
I'm located in the USA approx. 200 miles inland on the east coast. Station has been active since early 2000 with most  broadcasts using transmitters that I have built/designed. There are also a lot of Tx. that did not work!!!!
I also experiment with a variety of antennas but the inverted 1/2 wave Dipole is my favorite.( east - west was used on this broadcast approx.30' height)
Thanks For Being In
"The Pirate Zone"
Captain Morgan " 

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