
mercoledì 2 gennaio 2019

Radio Omega

Ricevuto Radio Omega – free radio dalla Germania

Mercoledì 2 gennaio 2019, alle 20.58 UTC a 1.611,00 kHz AM, qualità della ricezione sufficiente.

Per l'ascolto ho utilizzato il ricevitore SDR FDM S1 Elad abbinato ad un PC Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.5 Ghz e il software SDRSharper v0.3h mentre l'antenna, è una Loop preamplificata autocostruita.

Report, inviato via email a, conferma con messaggio email ed immagine della stazione allegata, in 27'.

Hi from Germany,
thank you for your Report, I am Axel and I am an 28 years old ether pirate ;-)
I start in the 3 meter band when i was 11 years old. The beginning was a small transmitter about 0,5 watts, and in the time it gots bigger and bigger. in 2013 I had a 5 kw transmitter for the 3 meter band (88 - 108 mhz). It was not long before I was stopped. So I decided to do an other Band, where the goverment not looks at every day. 35 cm ( 865,8 Mhz ). I played arround there about 2 years. My transmitter was a Motorolla 200 Watt. Since 2016 I Have my own house in a small town called XXXXXXX. Here I build up a little bigger Music Studio. Now I am present at:
Shortwave (60/240 Watt) / Medium Wave ( 500/2000 watt) / 3 Meter (500 Watt) / 35 cm (200 Watt).
Thanks a lot for your Report,
Axel (Radio Omega)

Here a foto of my Studio: “

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