
giovedì 1 novembre 2018

Charity Radio

Ricevuto Charity Radiodall'Irlanda

Mercoledì 31 ottobre 2018, alle 19.45 UTC a 6.275,35 kHz AM, qualità della ricezione discreta.

Ascolto effettuato con il ricevitore SDR Elad FDM-S1, antenna Delta-Ewe 18m. (self-made) e preamplificatore da 20 dB(W7IUV self-made)

Report, inviato via email a, conferma in 1 gg., con messaggio email.

" Hi Claudio,

Thank you for your reception report. We're delighted you took the time to contact us!
We are relayed on shortwave sometimes and appreciate the kind reception reports from listeners around the world.
Our station broadcasts online at, we are a small team of volunteers who enjoy radio and give our time to promote charities in Ireland.

Thanks again and Happy Listening!!
Mark "

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