
domenica 21 ottobre 2018

Stovefarmer Radio

Ricevuto Stovefarmer Radioda Netherland

Domenica 1 aprile 2018, alle 16:22 UTC a 6.230,00 kHz AM, qualità della ricezione buona.
Ascolto effettuato con il ricevitore SDR Elad FDM-S1, antenna Delta-Ewe 18m. (self-made) e preamplificatore da 20 dB(W7IUV self-made)

Report, inviato via email a, conferma dopo 6 mesi circa(dopo ripetuti invii), con messaggio e due fotografie del trasmettitore.

hello mh
with this I would like to thank you for the email on the test broadcasts in the shortwave bands of the stovefarmer radio
we are regularly testing between 3.8 and 8 mhz
the channel we use at these times is a home-built transmitter with a power of 50 watts
the antenna is an inverted V antenna at 16 meters height and 2 x 20 meters wire with a car tuner so that it adapts to the freq what we use
we are happy with your report and hope that you will be able to receive us more often and that you will send us a message
I will send some pictures with transmitters and such
kind regards from henri and to horns on the shortwave 73, s”

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