
domenica 7 ottobre 2018

Kennemer Radio 1

Ricevuto Kennemer Radio 1 dai Paesi Bassi

Sabato 6 ottobre 2018, alle 12.44 UTC a 6.285,00 kHz AM, qualità della ricezione buona.

Ascolto effettuato con il ricevitore SDR Elad FDM-S1, antenna Delta-Ewe 18m. (self-made) e preamplificatore da 20 dB(W7IUV self-made)

Report, inviato via email a conferma in 2 h con messaggio, eQSL in preparazione.

" Hi Claudio,

thank you for report, soon i will sent you my card , for this moment my other computer has to be fixed,

Regards Ruud from KR1 radio "

Come promesso oggi 10/11/18 è arrivata la eQSL accompagnata da un messaggio di Ruud, grazie per la conferma!

" Hi Claudio, thank you for the report, I have giving you a pin on my map ?
Nice that you wrote to me, we are busy with a coming back with our radio station KR1 from the past because this hobby is always nice to do.
It is always nice to have respond from listeners, sometimes listeners sent more stuff like links. Pictures or You Tube movies and then we put them on our website

Thanks again, regards Ruud "

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