
domenica 22 luglio 2018

Empire Radio

Empire Radio The Voice of Alternative Broadcasting in Europa

Ho ascoltato Empire Radio, durante la trasmissione per celebrare il 40° compleanno di Empire Radio.
Domenica 22 luglio 2018, alle 09.11 UTC a 6.266,50 kHz AM, qualità della ricezione sufficiente.
Ascolto effettuato con il ricevitore SDR Elad FDM-S1, antenna Delta-Ewe 18m. (self-made) e preamplificatore (W7IUV self-made)

Report inviato con email a, conferma con eQSL in 6 ore gg.

Hi Claudio!
Thank you very much for listening to our broadcast, and for sending a correct Reception Report. It was also good to hear the mp3 recording.
As requested, I attach a QSL Card.
I think you live in a lovely part of Italy, so close to Lake Como. That is beautiful!
Very best wishes.
Chris Cooper
Empire Radio”

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