
martedì 9 gennaio 2018

Dutch Pirate Station Edelkampioen

Dutch Pirate Station EdelkampioenNetherland (free radio)

Ricevuta il 6 gennaio 2018 alle 17:32 UTC, a 1629,00 kHz in modo AM, qualità della ricezione buona.
Ascolto effettuato con il ricevitore SDR FDM S1 Elad abbinato ad un PC Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.5 Ghz e il software SDRSharper v0.3h, antenna T2FD da 14,5 m installata inverted vee
Report inviato via email a conferma con eQSL in 1 gg.

Hello Claudio,
Many thanks for your reception report and audioclip from my broadcasting on 6th January 2018, I'am very glad that you receive me al the way in Italy.
My father used also in the past the same station name "Edelkampioen" on the midwave and made his broadcasts in the years 1970/1980, he is deceased at a
young age (44 years old), from him I got this pirate virus, a strange hobby according to many friends of my, haha!

Attached I sent you my qsl card for conformation.

Many thanks for your reception report and maybe you will receive me again in the future!

Kind regards,

Edelkampioen Jr.(Arjan)

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